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Disclosure Information in the 3rd Quarter of 2020

In the 3rd quarter of 2020, Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Plc. has total revenue 74,784 million riel increased more than 3rd quarter of 2019 amount 11,303 million riel equivalent 17.8% and net profit 16,875 million riel increased by 1,925 million riel equivalent 12.9% if compared to 3rd quarter of 2019. For the period of 9 months as of September 30th, 2020 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Plc. Has total revenue 219,155 million riel increased by 32,013 million riel equivalent 17.1% compared to the 9 months as of September 30th, 2019 and profit after tax amount 49,124 million riel decreased by 1,775 million riel equivalent 3.5% compared to the 9 months as of September 30th, 2019. Meanwhile, as of September 30th, 2020 Phnom Penh Commercial Bank Plc. has total assets 4,255,439 million riel increased by 440,074 million riel equivalent 11.5% and total equity of 617,677 million riel increased by 53,291 million riel equal to 9.4%.

Key indicators of the second quarter of 2020 are follows÷

  1. Return on asset   – 1.62%
  2. Return on equity  – 11.18%
  3. Interest coverage ratio – 679.84%
