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BIDDING NOTICE – The Renovation of Interior Works for PPCBank_Head Quarter (HQ)

Participant in the Renovation of Interior and Exterior works for PPCBank _ Head Quarter

☛ Expected Renovation Period: From 31th August 2024 to 30th November 2024 (Max 3 months)


The renovation period can be extended depending on unexpected circumstance on mutual consents with PPCBank.

  1. 1. Field descriptions

    Reference to the layout contents with the following details

    • ❖ Interior works
      • ❖ Ground Floor
        1. 1 Document Storage
        2. 1 Pantry room including sink
      • ❖ First Floor
        1. 5 Offices
          • Office for a manager
          • Office for 17 staff
          • Office for 7 staff
          • Office for 3 staff
          • Office for 2 staff
      • ❖ Second Floor
        1. 2 Meeting room
          • 1 room available for 12 people
          • 1 room available for 8 people
        2. 4 Offices
          • Office for a manager
          • Office for 28 staff
          • Office for 17 staff
          • Office for a director
      • ❖ Third Floor
        1. 1 Meeting room (available for 20 people)
        2. 2 Offices
          • Office for 9 staff
          • Office for 5 staff
        3. Waiting area
        4. Pantry room
      • ❖ Forth Floor

        Staff rest zone (place where staff can have lunch and rest in lunch time)

    • ❖ Note for Interior design
      • All mentioned above or more, participant in the construction of in-exterior shall suggest design at your discretion and by efficiently arranging it in the layout and please refer to current new branch design and layout recently opened.
      • Submission 3D design at your discretion and suggestion to improve branding.
      • Water proof of any places inside the bank in order to protect all equipment shall be required.
      • Quotation including M&E (Reference to specification of Layout) shall be submitted.
      • Quotation of network and telephone shall be submitted separately by attaching company profile including specific network and telephone, vendor name and contact information.
    • ❖ Exterior works
      • Suggestion for exterior design to promote branding image.
    • ❖ Note for Exterior design
      • ▪ Submission 3D design at your discretion based on any suggestion to improve branding image.
      • ☛ Note: Please refer to PPCBank design of current branches design
  2. 2. Submission deadline for applications

    Tuesday, 27th August 2024 (11:00 AM)

  3. 3. How to submit your application
    • ▪ Application documents shall be submitted to Administrative Department of PPCBank
    • ▪ PPCBank HQ Building Address: Nº 217, Norodom Blvd., Phum 10, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
    • ☛ Application documents shall be enclosed with the company seal.
  4. 4. Application Documents

    Company introduction including such as company name, establishment year, capital, total assets, previous year’s net profit, number of employees, major business field, representative nationality

  5. 5. Applicant qualification

    Company related to the construction of interior and exterior that registered business in Cambodia

  6. 6. Decision-making method of company

    Decision is according to the bank’s internal regulations.

  7. 7. Application Deposit


  8. 8. Result notification date

    will notify on proper date before construction

  9. 9. Signing of contract for construction

    PPCBank Within 2 days from the date of notification of the result

  10. 10. What to note when submitting your application
    • ▪ Identify guidelines, regulations, special conditions, etc. of local authority in relation to facility construction
    • ▪ Inspection procedure will be carried out after completion of construction

If you have any concern, please feel free to contact us.

  • Mr. YUN Chang Ho, Senior Manager (Korean)/ Tel: 012 850 513
  • Mr. PHAN Sovanndos, Administrative Manager (Khmer)/Tel: 089 669 967
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