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What information should I provide to Wing agent to process my loan repayment with PPCBank?

Published Date: May 25, 2022

You​ need​ to​ provide​ Wing​ ​agent​ your​ loan​ repayment​ account​ ​along​ with​ the​ ​registered phone​ number​ with PPCBank and​ amount​ for loan repayment​ (in​ USD​ or​ KHR).

You​ need​ to​ provide​ Wing​ ​agent​ your​ loan​ repayment​ account​ ​along​ with​ the​ ​registered phone​ number​ with PPCBank and​ amount​ for loan repayment​ (in​ USD​ or​ KHR).